Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Quantity of Things About M.C.

1. My mother came home with me in an ambulance when I was born
2. Being a mother was the most important thing I ever desired
3. I took birth control pills for 4 years and the day Frank got a job, I quit.
4. I sucked my thumb.
5. I got to be the title part in "Mary Picking up Paw Paw's" in my pre-school play.
6. There are 5 cats in my house.
7. I have a husband, brother, father, father-in-law, son, great-uncle, grand-father = Frank.
8. I have been on fire for Jesus.
9. My friend Patty taught my 2 yr. old daughter to say 'scum-bucket'.
10. My parent's house flooded when I was 20 years old.
11. I was terrified of storms for many years after.
12. Frank proposed to me after Steve & Deonnah's wedding on Granbury Rd. "I guess we should get married."
13. I like Las Vegas
14. I hate wearing glasses.
15. Frank is the rock of my life.
16. Being pregnant made me feel worthy.
17. Stacey was the "most wanted" baby ever.
18. Trey was "our first son" It's a boy!
19. Travis was "the beloved baby" (still is)
20. I absolutely loved Frank's parents.
21. After 6 1/2 years my job is getting old.
22. I also love Raymond Schultz as a worship leader.
23. I am SOOO proud of my ROCKIN' grandchildren.
24. I try to think how I can tell them about the past and how the future will be.
25. I am diabetic
26. I have a pitiful memory of names and faces.
27. I introduce myself to people over and over again.
28. Oliver the cat sleeps on a pillow on my bed.
29. I say yes to Chocolate.
30. I say yes to anything Frank cooks.
31. I graduated from high school in 1969.
32. I had knee surgery 1 year ago and it still feels like ap-cray.
33. I worked at Southwest Christian School where I tracked tuition and did payroll.
34. Madison, McKenzie, Mary Cate and Maddox are each spectacular
35. My hair has turned gray. no I re-cant that, it is a lustrous lt med brown with golden highlights.
36. I invented "quotation fingers"
37. Housekeeping is non-existing in my vocabulary
38. I gave up cooking 6 1/2 years ago.
39. I am jolly.
40. I am depressed (deal with it, can't explain it)
41. Hermoine the cat sleeps in my lap every evening.
42. My adult children astound my with happiness.
43. Frank is my rock, I said this.
44. I drive an Avalon that I still call Cecil's car.
45. I commute 30 minutes to work like a banshee.
46. I would like a small dog as a pet for my cats.
47. Sanity is only in the Laminack genes.
48. My brother had a heart attack at age 48.
49. I love my brother.
40. I love to read.
41. I like 60's rock and roll
42. I can't remember words to songs
43. I can sing off-pitch perfectly
44. Trey is really my favorite
45. I lie about how tall I am
46. Being in the room when someone dies really changed my life.
47. We went to New Orleans on our honeymoon.
48. It was the first time I had flown (and it was first class)
49. I like pedicures.
50. I own a sailboat.
Well, 100 just was over-whelming so here is 50. I left off some block- busters to protect the innocent and didn't want to get too melodramatic. Sorry, I haven't been blogging, my mind has been elsewhere. However, today I bought a 5 PAK of Gel pens so things are looking up....