Monday, April 24, 2006

Mary Cate = Age 3

Miss Mary Cate enjoyed a party at Chuck E. Cheese with all her friends and family Sunday afternoon. As you can see by the cake it was a Dora party and all who attended had a splendid time.


karen b said...

love the hat!!

Emily said...

In that outfit she looks like she's ready for a strawberry shortcake party! Since when does MC have red hair? Is it just this picture?

Emily said...

By the way, i"ll give you a degree too. I made it on pink construction paper with a purple marker. It'll carry about as much weight as Stanleys. :) You'll thank me later!

Maggie said...

so cute- we LOVE Dora

SubBlogger said...

I signed up for a MSc with No Study Required!

Trey Laminack said...


Now I want LV pics!

Maggie said...

I agree w/ tery: where is Vegas?????????????