Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My Niche

Do you know how you have to work through your life to build you a niche? Like finding a small custom made segment where you belong?

I am always narrowly defining my self each day to where I fall in this life. Crazily sometimes.

You have to make judgments on basic stuff like your life (family, genetics, etc.), your home (habitat) and your 'place in the food chain' Ha! We each have our niche. We have environmental conditions that also describe our fundamental niche.

Evidently, through interactions, emotions, upbringing as people we get to narrow down and adapt out Niche. (Money, jobs, belief systems, spouses, friendships, work relations, etc. all help to fine tune our place.)

Now here is something interesting. I can have a different niche at one place, and a different niche at another. For example, to my grand-children, I am a loved, looked up to, thought of the gift bearing, crazy, wonderful Mimi!; At work, I am a cubby-holed, wacky, hard working, dependable, "one of those girls in payroll"; At church, maybe I'm still just pictured as the little girl that grew up at church who married her high school sweetheart, who loves the singing; With my friends, they see a different MC.

Oop, don't forget God, Super-Niche, He sees all the Niches, here is my Spiritual Niche. Yep, it is never up to par as far as my prayer life. God knows the real blended M.C. - all the mini-Niches - into the megla- Niche. Here is where all the semi-niches are pulling and pushing at me all day long. I have to juggle these to find sanity in my day to day life and my ..... Gulp ..... eternal walk with God. Whoa heavy.

1 comment:

Trey Laminack said...

I think we all have different faces we portray to different groups. Just be careful that two identies aren't so different you have to pull a George Kastanza when "worlds collide"