Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cure for the Peds

I took my lunch hour today and had a pedicure. It was high time. My feet were barking. I feel 200% better this afternoon. I can't explain it. I had had scraggly toes toooo long. I know what you're thinking... it's fall, you're going to be giving up sandals and it won't matter if you have Caveman toes. Well, I say "Who cares, you have to live a little, even in cold weather."

I tried a new place on Cooper in Arlington just a few blocks from work in a new strip center. It was dreamy. My girl was full of conversation (even if I couldn't understand her). She wanted to know all about me and I in turn wanted to know all about her. She leaned my Spa Chair back and didn't insist that I have the "massage action" turned on. I hate the massage action. It makes me tense up. She had a whole new bag of tricks on the relaxing lotion application and scrubbing techniques. The salon is brand new so everything was very posh. She offered me wine! That sounded great but I had to return to work. Aargh. It was very quiet with soothing music and just one other customer. I now have smooth heels and smaller calluses and trim nails that I can be proud of. I chose a lovely shade of burgundy for fall. Very sexy.

Needless to say, I will return. I was only fifteen minutes late back from lunch. I may be saying good-bye to my nail salon on Hulen that is always too busy anyway.

Pretty feet = Good Mental Health.


Wezie said...

Amen, Sistah.

Trey Laminack said...

Next time I have to give you bad news I'm going to do it after a pedicure!

Anonymous said...

I feel more relaxed just reading this!

Jen G

Daniel & Zoe's Mommy said...

hahahahaha Trey that cracked me up!

MC I LOVE getting pedicures but lately I've been scared to do it! But new, clean, sounds good to me!!